I want to party, I want to samba


  • Name: Blu (Rio)
  • Pattern: McCalls 6696
  • Fabric: Bed cover on sale!

and fly.. Away from this freaking cold country in the North! If spring will come to Norway soon that’ll be great. This is hoping!


Let me take you to Rio, Rio..  with my Blu dress. This is the first time I’m making the M6696. I’ve had it for quite some time, but as you know, not made it up yet. What made me like it so much? Well hello, all the beautiful instagram pictures popping up on my feed with the pattern! Just look here and here!

I’ve been wanting to make this dress up for a long time, and when I finally did it now I’m so glad that it is a wearable muslin at least! Nothing worst than using time and energy on something that doesn’t fit you and you have to give it away..

It it a muslin, so I need to make some tweaks for the next one so that it fits better. The bodice is a little too big, and I don’t know why because the finished measurements on the envelope did match perfectly to me so I don’t know what happened there.. The waist is fine (although I need to lengthen it as always), but the chest is the big part. It doesn’t look too big when the collar is open, but when I button it all up  I can put a whole hand between the collar and my neck! Any suggestions? Maybe a smaller cup?PhotoGrid_1458494979936

I would love to go to Rio some time, the only reason might be to see all the beautiful birds that is portrayed in the 2011 disney movie Rio. I would also love to learn any type of exotic dancing like samba, or maybe tango. But for now I’ll be dancing alone like nobody is watching.



5 thoughts on “I want to party, I want to samba

  1. It is so pretty! The dress fits you perfectly. As for the collar, I didn’t even notice until you mentioned it! I am not sure it is the right way but I would probably pin the excess out diagonally towards the bust and then slash and overlap the excess on the pattern and true out the seams… But I am not even sure if that’s how it is done properly!


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